Card of the Day! 14/11/2012

14 novembre 2012 a 18 h 45 min

バトルシスター たると Battle Sister, Tart
Grade 2/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/10000 Power/5000 Shield

« Simple. Is. Marvelous. »

戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 寡黙で物事を淡々と進める姿が初対面の相手に知的な印象を与えるが、実は頭を使うのが苦手で、深く考えずに仕事をしているだけである。 武器に対戦車擲弾発射器を選んだのも「大きい武器=強い」という理由らしい。 その無計画さ故に危機に晒される事は多い。 しかし、戦況を覆すには時に過剰な行動力が必要になる。 策に怯え疑心暗鬼にかられる者より、無策で突き進む彼女の方が組織の戦士として遥かに有能なのだ。

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary-born agents. Though she gives off, to enemies who first meet here, an intellectual air of someone who is uninterested and taciturn, she’s actually a dumbss who tends to do things without thinking them out. That’s probably the reason she’s she’s chosen an Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher as her weapon of choice, based on the premise « Big Weapon = Strong ». Because of her haphazard decisions, she often gets stuck in the middle of things. However, her recklessly aggressive behavior is sometimes an advantage in turning fights around. As one who is frightened and suspicious of plans, she is far more compotent as a fighter in the order when she acts without any.

オラクルシンクタンクが罪人や悪徳企業の捕縛・抹消を目的として秘密裏に設立した戦闘教団「サンクチュアリ・ガーディアン」のエージェント部隊。 表向きは「教会」の所属となっているので普段は修道女の恰好をしている。 隊員全てが卓越した戦闘術・魔術の使い手だが、表沙汰に出来ない事情で配属されている場合が多い為か、癖の強い人物が非常に多い。

The Battle Sisters are…
An Agency that belongs to the fighting religious order « Sanctuary Guardians », they handle elimination and arrests as the Crime and Vice Division of Oracle Think Tank . They insist on dressing like nuns since they are members of the Church. All their members are experts in magic and combat techniques, though it’s not sure because they are involved in many situations that are kept out of the public eye, or because they consist of many strong woman with quirky and rather bizarre personalities.

[Extra Booster] EB05 • Celestial Valkyries

13 novembre 2012 a 18 h 53 min
Japanese Name:
Shintaku no ikusa otome
Celestial Valkyries
Release Date:
November 17th, 2012 (JP)

Contenu :

  • Il y a un total de 35 différentes cartes (2 RRR, 5 RR, 8 R, 20 C + 2 SP).
  • Ce pack contient 7 nouvelles unités <> et des réimpressions des unités Oracle Think Tank les plus importantes.
  • Ces cartes sont utilisées par Misaki Tokura au cours de l’Asian Circuit.

Voir la suite de [Extra Booster] EB05 • Celestial Valkyries

Trial Decks 3ième génération ! 3rd Generation Trial Decks !

13 novembre 2012 a 15 h 07 min

Trial Decks 08 et 09 : 『聖域の解放者』Liberator of the Sanctuary (Gold Paladin) & 『帝国の抹消者』 Eraser of the Empire (Narukami) !

Source : Vanguard US Blogspot

Through Doctor O’s twitter feed, two new trial decks were revealed early this morning. TD08: Liberator of the Holy Land (聖域の解放者 Seiki no Riberata, the last kanji would probably be read かいほうしゃ kaihousha « Person who Sets Free » but in katakana is given asリベレイター) and TD09: The Empire’s Eraser (帝国の抹消者 Teikouku no Ireizaa normally read as まっしょうしゃmasshousha « Person who Erases » but here presented in romaji イレイザー) are geared for a January release in Japan. More information is coming on December 5th.

Allegedly featuring cards from the third season, the new decks are currently known to be for the Gold Paladin and Narukami clans, with a noted resemblance between the title units to Gancelot of the Royal Paladins and Thunder Break Dragon of Narukai. Notably, TD08’s title suggests that this Gancelot figure will be setting the Royal Paladins free (in Japan, the name of TD01 was 聖域の光剣士 Seiki no Hikari Kenshi Shining Swordsman of the Holy Land, with that Holy Land being the United Sanctuary.) The fact that the Royals are going to be freed also suggests that Kagerou will be freed as well, an idea that would normally be thought of as being at odds to the notion of the Gold Paladins and Narukami continuing to be featured as the clans of these new decks.

The new Gancelot unit prominently wears his original Royal armor, repainted to a golden color. Though more jaded fighters have jokingly attributed the new look to a palette swap, the new Gancelot does appear noticeably more aged and with one eye seemingly gouged out. Bizarrely, Thunder Break Dragon appears unchanged save for his pose–the sword in hand, his armor, horns and wings are identical to the ones from his debut artwork. These decks will be the first trial decks to ever feature the same clans as past ones.

Each deck will retail for 1050 yen, about 13 USD, and will feature 3 special foil cards in each, with one printed as an RRR-rarity card would be.

While Doctor O stated that he could not say much to the readers that he replied to, he did confirm that the Shadow Paladin clan will be receiving a new first vanguard. This further supports the idea that the seal is about to be undone.


A travers le twitter de Doctor O, deux nouveaux Trial Decks ont été révélés ce matin. TD08: Liberator of the Holy Land (聖域の解放者 Seiki no Riberata, le dernier kanji se lisant probablement かいほうしゃ kaihousha “La personne qui libère” mais en katakana donne リベレイター) et le TD09 : The Empire’s Eraser (帝国の抹消者 Teikouku no Ireizaa normalemet lu まっしょうしゃmasshousha « La personne qui supprime », mais ici présenté en romaji イレイザー) sont prévus pour une sortie début Janvier au Japon. Plus d’informations seront données le 5 Décembre.

Illustrant des cartes de la 3ième saison, de nouveaux Decks sont pour le moment connus pour être destinés aux clans Gold Paladin et Narukami, avec une forte ressemblance notée entre les Unités nommées Gancelot (des Royal Paladins) et Thunder Break Dragon (des Narukami). Notamment, le titre du TD08 suggère que ce Gancelot libérera les Royal Paladins (au Japon, le nom du TD01 soit was 聖域の光剣士 Seiki no Hikari Kenshi Shining Swordsman of the Holy Land, l’Holy Land étant l’United Sanctuary.) Le fait que les Royals seront libérés suggère également que Kagero le sera aussi, une idée étant en contradiction avec le fait que les Gold Paladins et Narukami soient de nouveau mis en avant en tant que clans de ces nouveaux Decks.

La nouvelle Unit Gancelot porte son armure originale des Royal, peinte dans une couleur dorée. Bien que des fighters blasés ont attribué de manière taquine le nouveau look à un changement de palette, le nouveau Gancelot apparaît plus âgé et avec un œil visiblement arraché. Etrangement, Thunder Break Dragon apparaît comme identique pour sa nouvelle pose – l’épée dans sa main, son armure, ses cornes et ailes sont identiques à ceux son premier artwork. Ces Decks seront les premiers à présenter des clans déjà présentés (NDLR : dans des Trial Decks).

Chaque Deck sera vendu 1050 yen, environ 13 Dollars USD, et comprendra 3 cartes brillantes spéciales chacun, l’une d’entre elles sera imprimée de la même manière qu’une carte de rareté RRR.

Bien que Doctor O a déclaré ne pas pouvoir dire grand-chose aux lecteurs à qui il a répondu, il a confirmé que les Shadow Paladin auront un nuveau First Vanguard. Ceci soutient l’hypothèse que ce clan sera lui aussi libéré de son sceau.

[Extra Booster] EB04 • Infinite Phantom Legion

13 novembre 2012 a 12 h 32 min
Japanese Name:
Mugen no Heidan
Infinite Phantom Legion
Release Date:
November 17th, 2012 (JP)


• Il y a un total de 35 différentes cartes (2 RRR, 5 RR, 8 R, 20 C + 2 SP).
• Ce pack contient 5 nouvelles unités >, 1 nouvelle unité >, et des réimpressions des unités importantes Nova Grappler.
• Les cartes sont utilisées par by Kamui Katsuragi au cours de l’Asia Circuit.

Voir la suite de [Extra Booster] EB04 • Infinite Phantom Legion

Card of the Day! 13/11/2012

13 novembre 2012 a 8 h 15 min

バトルシスター あっさむ Battle Sister, Assam
Grade 0/Oracle Think Tank- Elf/5000 Power/10 000 Shield
Stand Trigger

« I give you one more chance to atone for your sins! »
戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 巨大槌を容易く振るう剛腕の戦士で、 過剰なほどに悪行を憎む、咎を犯した人間を決して逃がさない異常な正義感の持ち主。 追跡者が「大槌の修道女」だと知った者は、皆彼女に捕らえられる前に自主をするという。 彼女は咎人が自らの過ちを認め、心からの謝罪を行うまで如何なる場合も許す事はない。 たとえ相手が何度倒れても、立ち上がれなくなっても、喋る事すらできなくなっても。

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary-born agents. She’s a strong warrior who can wield a giant hammer with ease, who also hates crime and sin to her very core, she’s got an abnormal sense of justice who will never let any person who’s ever commited a sin or crime. Those who know their pursuer is the « Sister with the Giant Hammer » will try to surrender before being arrested. However, she won’t accept an apology from a criminal or sinner unless she believes it is completely and utterly sincere. No matter how many times they fall, even if they cannot stand up, even if they can’t talk…

Note: 自主 is a typo. Should be 自首.

オラクルシンクタンクが罪人や悪徳企業の捕縛・抹消を目的として秘密裏に設立した戦闘教団「サンクチュアリ・ガーディアン」のエージェント部隊。 表向きは「教会」の所属となっているので普段は修道女の恰好をしている。 隊員全てが卓越した戦闘術・魔術の使い手だが、表沙汰に出来ない事情で配属されている場合が多い為か、癖の強い人物が非常に多い。

The Battle Sisters are…
An Agency that belongs to the fighting religious order « Sanctuary Guardians », they handle elimination and arrests as the Crime and Vice Division of Oracle Think Tank . They insist on dressing like nuns since they are members of the Church. All their members are experts in magic and combat techniques, though it’s not sure because they are involved in many situations that are kept out of the public eye, or because they consist of many strong woman with quirky and rather bizarre personalities.

[Booster] BT09 • Clash of the Knights & Dragons

12 novembre 2012 a 15 h 28 min
Japanese Name:
竜騎激突 (りゅうきげきとつ)
Ryūki Keki Totsu
Clash of the Knights & Dragons
Release Date:
December 8th, 2012

Contenu :

• Inclut du support pour Aqua Force, Oracle Think Tank, Nova Grappler, Angel Feather, Great Nature, Gold Paladin, Narukami, Pale Moon, Murakumo, et d’autres.

Galerie d’images BT09

Voir la suite de [Booster] BT09 • Clash of the Knights & Dragons

[Booster] BT08 • Blue Storm Armada

12 novembre 2012 a 14 h 49 min
OCG Name:
蒼嵐艦隊 (そうらんかんたい)
Souran Kantai
Blue Storm Armada
Release Date:
September 22nd, 2012

Contenu :

Il y a un total de 102 cartes différentes (RRR x8, RR x12, R x22, C x60) + SP x12 (Parallèle).
• Inclut plus de support pour Aqua Force, Neo Nectar, Dimension Police, Tachikaze, Narukami et Great Nature.
• Les premières productions de displays de BT08 ont un Deck Separator avec eux.
• Les premières productions de chaque carton (=boîte de displays) de BT08 seront accompagnées d’un tapis de jeu.
• Les premières productions de displays de BT08, il y aura aussi une boîte spéciale contenant la Vanguard Soundtrack. Vous devrez payer un supplément.
• Plus de cartes avec un Limit Break.

Galerie d’images BT08

Voir la suite de [Booster] BT08 • Blue Storm Armada

Card of the Day! 12/11/2012

12 novembre 2012 a 8 h 14 min

Thanks to NeoArkadia for the card’s lores 😉

Battle Sister Waffle
Grade 0/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/5000 Power/10000 Shield

Auto: When another <> unit rides on this unit, you may call this onto a Rearguard Circle.
Activate [R]: [Counterblast (1), move this unit into Soul] Look at the top 3 cards of your deck and call up to one unit with « Battle Sister » in its name, then, shuffle the deck. During this turn, that unit gains +2000 Power.

戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 最年少、最小、戦闘経験も5年に満たない新米のエージェント。 服、帽子、はては髪の中まで至る所に小型拳銃を仕込んでいる。 物心ついた時から大人と同じ環境におかれた影響か、少し冷めた性格をしており、他者との交流を拒みがち。 だが、小動物のように愛らしい彼女を他のメンバーが放っておくはずもなく、毎回仕事が終わる度によってたかって猫の様に扱われるという。 本人は静かに読書に耽るのを望んでいるが……実はまんざらでもないのかも?

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary native-born agents. Even the youngest agents, bare minimum, need at least 5 years of training experience. She’s got pistols everywhere: In her hair, under her wimple, and in her habit. Due to being in the same environment as adults for as long as she remembers, she has a cold personality, resulting in her being somewhat of a loner. However, the other members refuse to leave her alone due to her cute pet-like charm, and when they’re not on the job, members will often treat her like a cat. While she says she wants to be left alone so she can read her books… … is it possible she actually likes the fawning…?

オラクルシンクタンクが罪人や悪徳企業の捕縛・抹消を目的として秘密裏に設立した戦闘教団「サンクチュアリ・ガーディアン」のエージェント部隊。 表向きは「教会」の所属となっているので普段は修道女の恰好をしている。 隊員全てが卓越した戦闘術・魔術の使い手だが、表沙汰に出来ない事情で配属されている場合が多い為か、癖の強い人物が非常に多い。

The Battle Sisters are…
An Agency that belongs to the fighting religious order « Sanctuary Guardians », they handle elimination and arrests as the Crime and Vice Division of Oracle Think Tank . They insist on dressing like nuns since they are members of the Church. All their members are experts in magic and combat techniques, though it’s not sure because they are involved in many situations that are kept out of the public eye, or because they consist of many strong woman with quirky and rather bizarre personalities.

[Booster] BT07 • Rampage of the Beast King

11 novembre 2012 a 23 h 22 min
Japanese Name:
獣王爆進 (じゅうおうばくしん)
Jūō Bakushin
Rampage of the Beast King
Release Date:
July 7th, 2012 (JP)
September 22, 2012 (EN, Singapore)
September 29, 2012 (EN, International)

Contenu :

Il y a un total de 102 cartes différentes (RRR x8, RR x12, R x22, C x60) + SP x12 (Parallèle).
• Inclut plus de support pour Great Nature, Pae Moon, Dark Irregulars, Gold Paladin, Angel Feather et Oracle Think Tank
• Les premières productions de displays de BT07 ont un Deck Separator avec eux.
• Le booster présente le plus grand institut d’enseignement de la Planète Cray, l’Université Great Nature.
• Ce booster présentera des Units qu’Aichi et son équipe rencontreront durant l’Asia Circuit, et plus d’Units avec un Limit Break vont faire surface.
• Faire un Deck Great Nature sera désormais possible grâce aux Triggers présents dans cette extension
• Pour chaque display de l’extension achetée en English Version, une promo Alfred Early vous sera offerte.

Galerie d’images BT07

Voir la suite de [Booster] BT07 • Rampage of the Beast King

[Extra Booster] EB03 • Cavalry of Black Steel

11 novembre 2012 a 20 h 38 min
OCG Name:
Kurogane no Senki
Cavalry of Black Steel
Release Date:
May 26th, 2012 (JP), June 30th, 2012 (SG), 7th July 2012 (EN)

Contenu :

• Total de 35 cartes différentes (2x RRR, 55x RR, 8x R, 20x C) + 1x SP (Parallèle)
• Ce pack comprendra des Units Gold Paladin, Royal Paladin, Shadow Paladin, Kagero, Spike Brothers et Megacolony qui auront un skill Limit Break, et du support pour ces clans.
• Les cartes sont utilisées par les personnages dans l’Arc Asia Circuit Hen
• L’EB03 a eu une pré-sortie durant le Vanguard Festival 2012 les 5 et 6 Mai 2012.

Galerie d’images EB03

Voir la suite de [Extra Booster] EB03 • Cavalry of Black Steel