Cards of the Day! 09/05/2013

9 mai 2013 a 6 h 55 min

Beginning Ripple, Alex

始まりの波紋 アレックス Beginning Ripple, Alex
Grade 0/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/4000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]:When a card named « Silent Ripple, Sotileo » rides this unit, look at up to seven cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card named « Rising Ripple, Baorus » or « Roaring Ripple, Genobios » from among them, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
[AUTO]:When a «Aqua Force» other than a card named « Silent Ripple, Sotileo » rides this unit, you may call this card to (RC).

« This small wave will soon cover the entire world. »

海軍大佐「ジノビオス」の細胞をもとに生成された新型アクアロイド。 階級は一等兵。 生み出されて間もない為、感情の起伏がほとんど無い。 身体を構成する水分の割合が98.5%を超える最新型で、水に溶ける身体を生かした破壊工作活動を得意とする。 戦士達が戦場に波を立てる前に状況を有利にしてくれる事から「始まりの波紋」と呼ばれる。 戦を生き延び多く物事を経験していく度、アクアロイドの心には自我が芽生えていくが、確固たる自我が築かれるまで健在でいられる兵士は多くない。 波紋とは、自分より大きな波と、堅牢な物とぶつかるだけで容易く飲み込まれてしまう儚い存在。 彼は波に飲まれ抗う術も無く消えゆく小さき者か、はたまた波をも飲み込む巨大な渦となり得る者か。 まだ見ぬ未来へ、生まれたての波が進んでいく。

A new Aquaroid produced based on the cells of the Navy Colonel « Genobios ». Their rank is Private First Class. Because he was just made, he has almost no emotions still. The latest model has a body that is more than 98.5% water, which because he can melt into water, he’s considered quite good at sabotage. He is known as the « First Wave » because he can change the outcome of a battle before the soldiers even arrive. If they continue to survive battles and experience many things, Aquaroids gain a sense of self, but sadly, there are not many soldiers who survive to gain a solid sense of self. For a ripple, there are bigger waves, making them an ephemeral existence that is swallowed up by something bigger. Is he a tiny thing that’ll disappear without a trace when it stands up against a mighty wave, or will he become someone who is akin to a great whirlpool that consumes the mightiest of waves? The newborn wave marches towards his unseen future.

Silent RIpple, Sotileo

静かなる波紋 ソティリオ Silent Ripple, Sotileo
Grade 1/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Beginning Ripple, Alex » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[AUTO]:When a grade 2 «Aqua Force» other than a card named « Rising Ripple, Baorus » rides this unit, if you have a card named « Beginning Ripple, Alex » in your soul, look at up to seven cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card named « Rising Ripple, Baorus » from among them, ride it, and shuffle your deck.

« Be… Be quiet! Will unrest become a wave? »

海軍大佐「ジノビオス」の部隊に所属する兵長。 音一つ立てない剣捌きから「静かなる波紋」の異名を持つ。 雑音を嫌い静寂を好む無口な少年だが、無愛想という訳では無く、必要な時はきちんとコミュニケーションも取れる優等生。 戦闘技能は高いが決定打に欠ける為、戦闘ではサポートに徹する事が多い。 突出しがちな隊員の多い部隊の制止役でもあり、戦況に関わらず単機駆けを行おうとする「パヴロス」は、いつも彼が諭しているらしい。 彼は音を嫌う。 音は心の乱れをそのまま相手に伝えてしまうから、水を通じればより顕著に伝わってしまうから。 波打つ事を忌避する波、「静かなる波紋」。 唯々静かに、音をたてない波は雑音を発する者を切り裂いていく。

A Lance Corporal who belongs to the unit of Naval Captain « Genobios ». He has the nickname of « Quiet Wave » due to the fact his sword makes no sound. A quiet boy who favors silence over noise, but he’s by no means blunt, as he’s an honor student can properly communicate when he has to. Highly skilled at battle, he lacks a clinching move, so he tends put his heart and soul into serving as support during battle. He also has a role of keeping the unit’s men in line, who are prone to getting out of hand, such as keeping « Parous » from charging first half-cocked regardless of the tactical situation, and is usually seen scolding him. Because sound just tells the enemy about the disorder in someone’s heart, as one can transmit information more conspicuously through water. The wave that evades a wave, that is the « Quiet Wave ». The wave that makes no sound can calmly cut those that make noise to pieces.

Card of the Day! 08/05/2013

8 mai 2013 a 15 h 08 min

Seal Dragon, Kersay

封竜 カルゼ Seal Dragon, Kersey
Grade 1/Kagero – Flame Dragon/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a «Kagero» vanguard, and your opponent has a grade 2 vanguard or rear-guard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.

« Even though I’m bad, may I deal with the enemy using a single finger? »

侵略者への対抗手段を一つでも増やすべく、一時的に地上への帰還を許された「封竜」の一人。 大地に流れる気の奔流「龍脈」の力を己が物にしようと企んだが、流れ込む力を抑えきれずに暴走し、“かげろう”の将に捕らえられたという過去を持つ。 漆黒の外殻には暴走の名残で、決して癒えない紋様のような裂傷が刻み込まれている。 今では身体を動かすのも億劫らしく、封印が緩和されたにも関わらず、「マグナ・プリズン」直上の入り口に門番の如く座り込んでいるという。 身一つに収まるはずもない強大な力を取り込もうとした浅はかなる罪竜。 しかし、その身体にはまだ恐るべき力の一部が残されている。 彼が腰を上げる時、解き放たれた力は如何様な形で振るわれるのだろうか。

One of the Seal Dragons that was allowed to return to the surface temporarily, if meant that they could gain any advantage over the invaders. While he tried to fill his body with torrents of power using the Ryumayaku (literaly « dragon’s vein ») flowing through the earth, he went out of control due to the sheer power flowing through him, and ended up being caught by « Kagero » back in the day. His jet-black shell is the remains of his rampage, carving into his body with patterned lacerations that can never be cursed. Despite the worst of his seals being taken off, and while he has trouble moving his body anymore, he sits around, right above the entrance of « Magma Prison » on the surface, like some sort of gatekeeper. He’s a foolish criminal of a dragon who simply tried to put too much power in a body not designed to handle it. However, some of that dreadful power still remains in his body. When he decides to stop sitting around, who knows what shape that power will take when its unleashed.
様々な理由から皇帝直々の命令で封印・幽閉されている竜達の総称。 封魔神竜とは封印の度合いや経緯が異なる。 地下深くに設けられた大監獄「マグナ・プリズン」に、他の重犯罪者より厳重な封印と監視の下、収監されている。 現在は“リンクジョーカー”の侵攻に対抗するべく、一部の戦士が一時的に出所しており、封印の段階を引き下げた上で戦闘を許可されている。 なお、封印の段階は対象により異なる。

Seal Dragons is…
The generic term for the dragons who have been sealed and imprisoned by the direct order of the Emperor for various reasons. The degree and means of sealing are different than that of Dungaree. They are housed and imprisoned in a vast prison deep underground called the « Magma Prison », under direct supervision, with twice as many locks and seals as normal criminals. However, in order to counter the invasion of « Link Joker », several warriors were discharged from the prison temporarily and allowed to fight, with some of their seals weakened. As well, the stage of the seal is different which each convict.

Card of the Day! 07/05/2013

7 mai 2013 a 7 h 14 min

Eradicator, First Thunder Dracokid

抹消者 ファーストサンダー・ドラコキッド Eradicator, First Thunder Dracokid
Grade 0/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When an opponent’s rear-guard is put in the drop zone by any of your card’s effect, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with « Eradicator » in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at up to ten cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card named « Eradicator, Sweep Command Dragon » from among them, ride it, and shuffle your deck.

« I am the thunder of the beginning! The dragon’s roar that announces war! »

実戦を経験してまだ日の浅い小さな竜戦士。 自分が最強の生物と謳われるドラゴンである事で驕り高ぶっていた自意識の強い少年だったが、初陣の際に突出しすぎた所を「スイープコマンド・ドラゴン」に救われ、一命を取り留める。 それからは打って変わって修練に明け暮れるようになり、その努力と将来性、さらに彼を救った「スイープコマンド・ドラゴン」からの強い推挙により、若くして「抹消者」に選ばれた。 あの日、薄れゆく意識の中で見た巨大な戦士の背。 いつかあの背中を追い抜くような戦士と成る為、少年は戦い続ける。 が、まずは形からとでも言うように口上や外見ばかり真似をしている彼に、件の指揮官が頭を悩ませているという話もある……。

A little dragon warrior who is well practiced but has very little field experience. He was a powerful little boy who is incredibly self-conscious and extremely arrogant about being a dragon, due to being taught that dragons are the ultimate life-form, he ended up being saved by « Sweep Commando Dragon » due to overextending himself during his first time in real combat, saving him from death. This completely changed him, causing him to spend all his time training, and as a result of his effort and potential, as well as a strong recommendation from « Sweep Commando Dragon » who saved him, he became a part of the Eradicators at an early age. He saw the back of that gigantic warrior as he slipped into unconsciousness. This boy continues to fight, wishing to become like that warrior and pass « that back ». But, for right now, he’s completely imitating the appearance and repeating that guy’s words word-for-word, to the point that his commander expresses concern… …

ドラゴンエンパイア二大柱軍が一つ“なるかみ”の戦士達の中でも、特に帝国に忠実な者達で構成された特殊部隊。 帝国に仇為す者を文字通り「抹消」する事を目的としており、平時が如何に平和的な者であっても、任務中は非情な選択が取れるよう特別な訓練を受けている。 なお、任命された者は自身が「抹消者」の称号を持っている事を、上層部と同部隊の者以外に知られてはならない。

The Eradicators
The Special Forces consisting of the most faithful and loyal in all the empire, made up of warriors from one of the two major military pillars of the « Dragon Empire », Narukami. Their mission is to literally « eradicate » any who would cross the empire, and no matter how peaceful things get, they are specially trained to be as cruel and ruthless as needed to get things done. As well, those appointed with the title « Eradicator », only their superiors and other Eradicators know who they are, with their fellow troops unaware as to their true rank.

Card of the Day! 06/05/2013

6 mai 2013 a 7 h 38 min

Ancient Dragon, Tyrannolegend

古代竜 ティラノレジェンド Ancient Dragon, Tyrannolegend
Grade 3/Tachikaze – Dinodragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Choose three of your rear-guards with « Ancient Dragon » in its card name, and retire them] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2) – Cards with « Ancient Dragon » in its card name] This unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

« It’s a legendary tyrannosaur. from ages long long ago, that is known to devour everything in its path. »

有史以前の時代に繁栄を極めた「古代竜」と呼ばれるディノドラゴン。 無尽蔵の食欲と破壊衝動に支配された、無機物・有機物問わず、目の前にある物すべてを食い荒らしていたと言われる暴竜。 覚醒後は食欲が減退した代わりに破壊衝動が増し、より一層危険な生物へと変化を遂げている。 減退したとはいえ旺盛な食欲はいまだ健在であり、捕食した生物や物質の一部ないし全部を吸収して、一時的にさらに強大な力を得るという固有の技能を持つ。 武装以外の外見が休眠以前の状態とあまり変わってないが、それは当時、彼より強い者がほとんどいなかったという事の表れでもある。 しかし、この時代には彼がまだ見たこ事も無い強者があふれている。 強者に会い、強者と戦い、強者を超える。 古代竜の進化は、まだ止まらない。

A Dino Dragon known as an « Ancient Dragon », one of many that flourished in pre-historic times. A Tyrannosaur said to have consumed everything in its path, regardless of being organic or inorganic, all due to its inexhaustible appetite and destructive impulses. While its appetite diminished since it re-awoke, its destructive impulses have increased, turning it into an even more dangerous beast. Despite a decline in its appetite, it’s still going strong, as it has a peculiar skill that allows it absorb whatever creature or substance it consumes, making it stronger, even if temporarily. Its body hasn’t changed since it went dormant, except for the various weapons equipped to it, which is mostly because very few creatures have grown stronger than him since that time. However, he has not met all of the strongest in this era. He will meet the strong, fight the strong and surpass the strong. The evolution of the Ancient Dragons has not yet finished.

有史以前の時代、クレイの大地で覇権を勝ち取った最初のディノドラゴン達。 天変地異によって他の種族が次々と死滅していく中、彼らは大地の底で長い眠りにつき、この猛威を耐え抜いた。 また、地の底でもその異常な生命力は如何なく発揮され、休眠中にも関わらず進化を続けていたという。 “リンクジョーカー”が侵略の過程で行う大気・大地汚染の影響で目覚めたのではないかと推測されている。

The Ancient Dragons are…
The Dino Dragons that conquered the continents of Cray in ancient times. While other species were killed one after another by the fury of natural disasters, they decided to enter a deep hibernation, surviving at the bottom of the planet. As well, their abnormal life force somehow exerted itself, causing them to continue to evolve, even as they slept. It is theorized they awoke due to contamination to the planet’s continents and atmosphere, due to the invasion of Link Joker.

Card of the Day! 03/05/2013

3 mai 2013 a 6 h 51 min

Underlay Celestial, Hesediel

礎の守護天使[アンダーレイ・セレスティアル] ハスデヤ Underlay Celestial, Hesediel
Grade 1/Angel Feather – Angel/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC/RC): During your turn, if you have a card named Solidify Celestial, Zerachiel face-up in your damage zone, this unit gets [Power]+3000.

« Feel the might of a caring heart! »

蒼き翼を持つ特殊医療部隊「瑠璃色の守護天使(ラピスラズリ・セレスティアル)」の一員。 隊の中でも特に勤勉且つ責任感の強い女性で、待機中も医学書や剣術指南書を手放さない。 彼女の持つ癒しの剣「セラピストエッジ」は、心で念じた内容によって効果を変える不思議な武器で、「斬る」と念じれば普通の剣のように相手を傷つけ、「癒す」と念じれば相手の傷を癒す事ができる。 が、癒えるとわかっていてもやはり斬られるのは怖いらしく、彼女が傍にいる時には無用なケガをしないよう、隊員一同心がけているという。 この独特の治療法は若干心臓に悪いが、一般的な治癒魔法以上の効能が期待できる為、ぜひ早めに慣れる事をお勧めしたい。

A member of the Special Medical Team « Lapis Lazuli Celestial » whose members are marked by their blue wings. She’s a woman with a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to work hard with her team, and she’s almost never found without Medical and Fencing Textbooks when she has the time. She carries the healing sword « Therapist Edge », a peculiar weapon that can change its actions based on what you have in mind. If you have « killing » in mind, it harms the other person. But if you « healing » in mind, it heals the other person. But, being cut is pretty scary even if you’re cured by it, so the rest of her teammates try to remember to not take pointless damage while she’s by their side. This peculiar treatment is bad for a few hearts, though, but you can trust its effects to be generally superior to common healing spells, so you should use it as soon as possible.
強い献身の志と、それを全うできるだけの能力を持つ者だけが所属を許される“エンジェルフェザー”の特殊医療部隊。 適性審査を通過し、且つ配属を希望する者は、天使長の洗礼を受けることで古き翼を捨て、新たなる翼「瑠璃の翼(ラピスラズリ・ウィング)」を賜る事になる。 その異常なまでの使命感に畏怖と敬意を込めて、「命を救う命知らず達(レックレス・セイバーズ)」と呼ばれる事もある。

The Lapis Lazuli Celestials are…
A Special Medical Team in « Angel Feather » whose members are deeply committed to their work and must have the skills to match that commitment. Those that pass the aptitude test and want to be assigned must discard their old wings during their baptism by the Archangels, gaining new « Lapis Lazuli Wings ». They are sometimes known as the « Reckless Saviors » due to their intense sense of duty that is both inspiring and terrifying.

Card of the Day! 02/05/2013

2 mai 2013 a 7 h 30 min

Seal Dragon, Terricross

封竜 テリークロス Seal Dragon, Terricross
Grade 0/Kagero – Flame Dragon/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC).)
[ACT](RC):[Counter Blast (1) – Cards with « Seal Dragon » in its card name & Put this unit into your soul] If you have a «Kagero» vanguard, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards, retire it, your opponent look at up to four cards from the top of his or her deck, searches for up to one grade 2 from among them, calls it to (RC), and your opponent shuffles his or her deck.

« Insolent fool! Don’t you realize this seal is a temporary one?! Respect your betters! »

侵略者への対抗手段を一つでも増やすべく、一時的に地上への帰還を許された「封竜」の一人。 元は帝国に反抗していた武装集団の頭目であり、生涯最盛期なのでは無いかとすら言われた剛直な老戦士だったが、封印魔法の練度が高くなかった時代に特1級封印を施された副作用で、身体・魔力ともに3000歳ほど若返ってしまった上、時を刻めない肉体になってしまったという。 特1級封印は一度かけられたが最後、完全に解くことは不可能とされる無期封印であり、終身刑に処された罪人に対して稀に適用される。 この封印をかけられながらも、魔力の行使ができる事そのものが、本来の彼の強大さを物語っているともいえる。 力と時を失った幼き老竜。 彼が真の力を解き放つ時は訪れるのだろうか。

One of the Seal Dragons that was allowed to return to the surface temporarily, if meant that they could gain any advantage over the invaders. Originally the leader of an armed group that rebelled against the empire, he was an rigid old warrior who may or may not have been in his golden years… but due to a side effect of the 1st Class Seal used on him not being completely full of sealing magic, his body and magic was rewound 3,000 Years, giving him a body unaffected by the march of time. The 1st Class Seals are a line of last resort, as they’re a form of indefinite seal that are impossible to completely release, and are very rarely used, and even then, they’re chiefly used for criminals sentenced to life in prison. Even though he is bound by this seal, he can still use his magic, which is said to show some of his original might. This bratty geezer of a dragon has lost both power and time. Will a time come when he unleashes his true power?

様々な理由から皇帝直々の命令で封印・幽閉されている竜達の総称。 封魔神竜とは封印の度合いや経緯が異なる。 地下深くに設けられた大監獄「マグナ・プリズン」に、他の重犯罪者より厳重な封印と監視の下、収監されている。 現在は“リンクジョーカー”の侵攻に対抗するべく、一部の戦士が一時的に出所しており、封印の段階を引き下げた上で戦闘を許可されている。 なお、封印の段階は対象により異なる。

Seal Dragons is…
The generic term for the dragons who have been sealed and imprisoned by the direct order of the Emperor for various reasons. The degree and means of sealing are different than that of Dungaree. They are housed and imprisoned in a vast prison deep underground called the « Magma Prison », under direct supervision, with twice as many locks and seals as normal criminals. However, in order to counter the invasion of « Link Joker », several warriors were discharged from the prison temporarily and allowed to fight, with some of their seals weakened. As well, the stage of the seal is different which each convict.

[Japanese Format] May 2013 Restriction List

1 mai 2013 a 13 h 30 min


« With effect from the 11th of May 2013, for the Japanese version of Cardfight!! Vanguard, the cards highlighted in the following list will be restricted to up to a total of two cards in the deck (including the first vanguard).

Restriction list for Japanese Vanguard
<Royal Paladin>
Majesty Lord Blaster

<Oracle Think Tank>
Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi

Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant

*This includes all cards of the same name with different rarities. »


« A partir du 11 Mai 2013, pour la version japonaise de Cardfight!! Vanguard, les cartes mises en avant dans la liste suivante seront restreintes à un total de deux cartes par Deck (en incluant le First Vanguard)

Liste de restriction pour Vanguard japonais
<Royal Paladin>
Majesty Lord Blaster

<Oracle Think Tank>
Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi

Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant

*Ceci inclut toutes les cartes du même nom avec des raretés différentes. »

Card of the Day! 01/05/2013

1 mai 2013 a 7 h 43 min

Witch of Prohibited Book, Cinnamon

禁書の魔女 シナモン Witch of Prohibited Book, Cinnamon
Grade 0/Genesis – Human/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC).)
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a grade 3 or greater «Genesis», you may pay the cost. If you do, Soul Charge (2).

« This is a magic book. All the answers are written inside. »

あらゆる書物の検品を行う“ジェネシス”の魔女。 見た目は少女だが成人しているらしく、実際の年齢は不詳。 解呪・魔祓いの専門家で、途切れる事無く確保される呪物や禁書の処置に日がな明け暮れている。 至る所につけている鈴や勾玉は、ある女神から賜った聖なる力を秘める依代であり、解呪に失敗した時や、強力な呪いを祓う時などに、自身の身代わりになってくれるのだという。 呪いという不運に見舞われてしまったせいで、時には悪用され、時には誰に読まれる事もなく朽ち果てる、哀しい運命を辿る罪なき書物達。 そんな悲劇がいつか無くなるようにと、禁書の魔女は今日もまた一つ、哀しみを打ち消す。

A witch of « Genesis » who inspects every book. While she looks like a little girl on the verge of adulthood, her real age is unknown. A specialist in exorcisms and disenchanting, she spends all her time making sure to carefully handle forbidden books of magic and various dangerous fetishes with the utmost care and dedication. She carries bells and magatama with her everywhere, because they are Yorishiro full of holy power that a certain goddess gave her, so when she fails to disenchant objects or she needs to break an exceptionally dangerous spell, she uses them as a substitute for herself. Some books, that are sinless on their own, are cursed with a terrible fate, as those who read these kinds of dangerous books have been cursed with bad luck, others used to do terrible things, while some cause those who read them to rot away or fall to ruin. With every day, the Banned Book Witch seeks tries to end that sorrow, and ultimately cause these tragedies to disappear from the face of the earth forever more.