Card of the Day! 27/06/2013

27 juin 2013 a 7 h 00 min

Early Summer Rain Liberator, Bruno

五月雨の解放者 ブルーノ Early Summer Rain Liberator, Bruno
Grade 1/Gold Paladin – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When a « Gold Paladin » is placed on (RC) from your deck, if you have a vanguard with ‘Liberator’ in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn.

« My rain hurts people. Therefore, I’ll try to use it to protect people. »

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の「解放者」の一人。 剣としても使える大きな刃先を持つ弓矢「アーリーレイン」の使い手。 騎士の家系に生まれ、半ば強制的に父から騎士道と剣技を教示されていたが、本心では誰かを傷つける事を何よりも嫌い、およそ戦に携わる事が生業となる騎士とは最も縁遠い穏やかな生活を望んでいた。 しかし数年前に起こった襲撃事件で、黒い光を纏う謎の一団によって父を連れ去られ、家族を傷つけられ、何もできなかった事を悔やみ、騎士団への入団を決意する。 何かを守る為に、誰かを守る為に、大好きな人達がもう二度と傷つく事の無いように。 そんな想いを胸に、彼は騎士となった。 あえて言うのであれば、彼の敵は戦そのもの。 争いの無い平和な世を目指す騎士王の理想に、若き五月雨の騎士は光弓を以て答える。

One of the Liberators of the United Sanctuary’s second standing national army, « The Gold Paladins ». He is a master of the bow « Early Rain », which uses huge bladed bolts as projectiles. These bolts can be used like swords. He was born into a family of knights, and was forced to learn the ways of swordsmanship and chivalry from his father, but deep down, he hated hurting others more than anything, and longed for a peaceful life and get married, and had little interest in the battles most of the knights found themselves drawn into. But a few years ago, an ambushed occurred, resulting in his father being taken away by a mysterious group cloaked in black light and most of his family injured. Regretting he had been unable to do anything, he finally joined the Paladins. He joined them in order to find something, someone, to protect, and to never see the ones he loved ever get hurt again. He became a knight carrying such feelings inside his heart. One might dare say his enemy is the notion of war and fighting itself. The Knight of the early summer rain responds to the King of Knights’ ideal of a peaceful world without war of conflict with his bow of light.

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。

The Liberators
The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, « The Gold Paladins », they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the « Liberators » because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the « Gold Paladins », but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

Card of the Day! 26/06/2013

26 juin 2013 a 6 h 42 min

Demon Dragon Ruler of the Heavens, Dungaree « Unlimited »

征天魔竜 ダンガリー “Unlimited” Demon Dragon Ruler of the Heavens, Dungaree « Unlimited »
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (2) & Bind the top card of your deck face up] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one of your opponent’s rear-guards in the front row, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each «Narukami» in your bind zone until end of turn.
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Sealed Demon Dragon, Dungaree » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

« My body feels light… … Do you think we should try and conquer the heavens?

天を征す者「征天魔竜」の異名を得た「ダンガリー」の真の姿。 呪符の封印から解き放たれた事で、封じられていた膨大な魔力が凄まじい勢いで全身を駆け巡り、結果的に全盛期を超える強大な力をその身に宿した。 本来その身体に蓄積された魔力は到底制御できる量ではなく、苦痛と暴走の危険に苛まれる程の物。 しかし、魔力を効率的に扱う戦いを長く強いられてきた彼にとって、既に力の制御は取るに足らない児戯となっていた。 “リンクジョーカー”の侵略により帝国全土に焦りと動揺が広がっている今、完全なる復活を遂げられた事に彼は歓喜した。 これでようやく、己が血肉、全身全霊を以て偉大なる主に勝利の栄光を捧げる事が出来る、と。 征魔弓「狂乱鬼(キョウランキ)」から放たれた三条の光星。 喜びに打ち震える魔竜の心を代弁するかのように、鉛色の空に光の爪跡が刻まれていく。

This is the true form of « Dungaree » who got the nickname of « Demon Dragon Ruler of the Heavens » for subjugating the heavens themselves. Having completely broken the amulet’s seal, the immense sealed magical power began to course through his entire body with frightful vigor, resulting in him possessing more power than he had even in the highest heights of his hey day. The magical power naturally stored inside his body is not an amount he can possibly control, it’s the sort of thing that is in constant danger of going out of control and should cause him constant agony. However, since he has been forced to fight for so long by handling his magic efficiently, it has now become mere child’s play for him to control his power now. Furious and uneasy about the invasion of « Link Joker » that has spread across the entire empire, he now rejoices at his complete resurrection to his true power. Finally, he is now able to truly offer up the glory of victory to his great lord and master by dedicating his flesh and blood, nay, his entire body and spirit. He can fire three bolts of starlight simultaneously from his magical bow of subjugation, the « Kyouranki » (The Raving Demon). As if to speak for the heart of the Demon Dragon that now trembles with joy, scars of light cut across the lead-colored sky.

Card of the Day! 25/06/2013

25 juin 2013 a 7 h 16 min

Alluring Succubus (Alt. Art)

誘惑のサキュバス Alluring Succubus (Alt. Art)
Grade 1/Dark Irregulars – Succubus/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if you have a «Dark Irregulars» vanguard, you may Soul Charge (1).

« Girls know the weight of life. (… … That can’t be right!?) »

夢を媒介に男を誘惑してその「気」を吸う夢魔の一族。 「気」とはすなわち生きるための力そのものであり、吸い尽くされれば当然死に至る。 夢魔にとって、自然界に存在する食物などは嗜好品でしかなく、この世界に存在する為には「気」を一定量摂取し続けなければならない。 その為に、あらゆる手段を以てサキュバスは男性を、インキュバスは女性を籠絡しようとするのである。 何処の世界でも何時の時代でも、男とは美女の誘惑に弱いもの。 性別という概念そのものが失われでもしない限り、彼女達サキュバスが飢える事は決して無いだろう。 ただし、「気」の摂りすぎには注意しなければならない……どんな物にも当然、重さはあるのだから……。

A family of Succubi and Incubi who consume the essence of men by tempting them inside their dreams. In other words, this essence is the power of life itself, and if too much is absorbed, one dies. For succubi and incubi, actual food is a luxury good, so they must consume a certain amount of this essence in order to exist in this world. To that end, these demons will do anything to entice others. Succubi target men, while Incubi target women. No matter where in the world, no matter what era, men are weak to the temptations of a beautiful woman. Until the concepts of sex and gender vanish, Succubi will never starve. However, they must be careful about taking too much essence… … Because like anything, that essence has weight.

[KeroKero Ace] June 2013

24 juin 2013 a 12 h 40 min

Et voici la vague du mois, mettant en scène exclusivement les cartes du Booster Pack 12 ! [Cette news sera mis à jour]
And here is the month’s wave, featuring the Booster Pack 12’s cards only ! [This news will be updated]

Link Joker :

BT12/006 RRR
星輝兵 ネビュラロード・ドラゴン Star-vader, Nebula Lord Dragon
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):During your turn, your front row « Link Joker » get [Power]+3000 for each of your opponent’s locked units.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2)]Choose one of your opponent’s rearguards in the back row, and lock it.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner’s turn)
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

BT12/030 R
Schrödinger’s Lion
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Beast/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a «Link Joker» vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.

« Before observing the lion, it is uncertain if the lion exists. »

BT12/032 R
One Who Opens the Black Door
Grade 1/Link Joker – Cyberoid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a «Link Joker» vanguard, and your opponent has two or less rear-guards, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.

BT12/061 C
カタストロフスティンガー Catastrophe Stinger
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Golem/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](RC): When your grade 3 «Link Joker» is placed on (VC), this unit gets [Power]+10000 until the end of turn.

BT12/062 C
無心なる刃 ハートレス Mindless Blade, Heartless
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyberoid/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC): [Counter Blast (2)] When this Unit’s attack hits the Vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, select one of your opponent’s Rearguards, and Lock it.
[AUTO](VC): When this Unit attacks the Vanguard, during that battle, this Unit gains [Power] +3000.

BT12/063 C
Demon Claw Star-vader, Lanthanum
Grade 2/Link Joker – Cyberoid/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When your opponent’s rear-guard is locked, if you have a « Link Joker » vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.

BT12/065 C
Singularity Archer
Grade 2/Link Joker – Cyber Fairy/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, if you have a «Link Joker» vanguard, and your opponent has a locked card, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guard, and lock it.

BT12/068 C
Evil Claw Star-vader, Niobium
Grade 1/Link Joker – Cyberoid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When your opponent’s rear-guard is locked, if you have a « Link Joker » vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.

BT12/069 C
Strafe Star-vader, Ruthenium
Grade 1/Link Joker – Cyberoid/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): [Soul Blast (1)] When this unit boosts a « Star-vader, Nebula Lord Dragon », you may pay the cost. If you do, the boosted unit gains [Power]+5000 during that battle.

BT12/071 C
White Night Fenrir
Grade 0/Link Joker – Cyber Beast/4000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Forerunner (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a «Link Joker» that has Limit Break 4, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.

BT12/0?? C
Gamma Burst, Fenrir
Grade 2/Link Joker – Cyber Beast/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a «Link Joker» vanguard or rear-guard that has Limit Break 4, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

BT12/0?? C
Paradox Nail, Fenrir
Grade 1/Link Joker – Cyber Beast/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit boosts a «Link Joker» that has Limit Break 4, you may pay the cost. If you do, the boosted unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

BT12/0?? C
Star-vader, Vice Soldat
Grade 0/Link Joker – Cyberoid/5000 Power/10000 Shield
Ciritcal Trigger

BT12/0?? C
Star-vader, Moon Commander
Grade 0/Link Joker – ???/5000 Power/10000 Shield

BT12/0?? C
Star-vader, ???
Grade 0/Link Joker – ???/5000 Power/5000 Shield

Narukami :

BT12/0?? C
抹消者 ブレイドハンタ・ドラコキッド Eradicator, Blade Hang Dracokid
Grade 0/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Forerunner (When a unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call this unit to (RC))
[AUTO](RC): [Put this unit into your soul] When an opponent’s rear-guards is put in the drop zone by any of your card’s effect, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one of your with 「Vowing」 in its card name, and that unit gets [Power] +3000 / [Critical] + 1 until end of turn.

BT12/0?? ?
Homing Eradicator, Rochishin
Grade 2/Narukami – Dragonman/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When an opponent’s rear guard is sent to drop zone, if you have a « Eradicator » Vanguard, this unit gains [Power]+5000 until the end of the turn.

BT12/0?? C
Suppressing Eradicator, Dokkasei
Grade 1/Narukami – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]: [Rest this unit] When this card is placed on (RC) and you have a « Eradicator » Vanguard, you may pay the cost. If paid, select up to two of your opponent’s Rearguards, they cannot Intercept until the end of this turn.

Pale Moon :

BT12/0?? C
Silverthorn ???, Ana
Grade 1/Pale Moon – Elf/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): [Counter Blast (1)]: When this unit boosts a « Pale Moon » and the attack hits the Vanguard, you may pay the cost. If paid, select 1 of your « Silverthorn » units in your Soul, and call it to (RC). During the end of that turn, put the called unit back into soul.

BT12/0?? C
Silverthorn ???, Erina
Grade 1/Pale Moon – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]: When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), you may look at the top 2 cards of your deck, select up to 1 « Silverthorne » unit from those cards, and put it into soul. Put the remaining cards to the bottom of the deck.

BT12/0?? R
Silverthorn, Rising Dragon
Grade 2/Pale Moon – ???/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with « Silverthorn » in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of battle.

BT12/0?? C
Silverthorn, Blazing Dragon
Grade 1/Pale Moon – ???/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with « Silverthorn » in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of battle.

BT12/0?? C
Silverthorn ???, Ionela
Grade 0/Pale Moon – ???/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Forerunner (When a unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call this unit to (RC))
[AUTO]: [Put this unit into Soul] When this unit boosts a « Silverthorn » Vanguard and the attack hits a Vanguard, you may pay cost. If paid, look at the top 2 cards of your deck, select up to 1 « Silverthorn » unit from those cards, and put it into soul. Put the remaining cards to the bottom of the deck.
Silverthorn Triggers
銀の茨の催眠術師[シルバーソーン・ヒュプノス] リディア Silverthorn Hypnos, Lydia
Grade 1/Pale Moon – Human/6000 Power/0 Shield
[CONT]: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with « [CONT]: Sentinel » in a deck)
[AUTO]:[Choose a «Pale Moon» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your «Pale Moon» that is being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.

« Please sleep… … Deeper, deeper and even deeper… »

BT12/0?? R
Silverthorn […]
Grade 2/Pale Moon – ???/10000 Power/5000 Shield

BT12/0?? R
Silverthorn Beast Tamer, Marcica
Grade 2/Pale Moon – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC): [Counter Blast (1)] When this Unit’s attack hits a Vanguard, if you have a « Pale Moon » Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, you can call up to 1 « Silverthorn » Unit from your Soul to a Rearguard Circle. During the end of this Turn, place that Unit in the Soul.

Gold Paladin :

BT12/0?? C
Star Heaven Liberator, Geraint
Grade 2/Gold Paladin – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When a « Gold Paladin » is placed on (RC) from your deck, if you have a vanguard with ‘Liberator’ in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn.

BT12/0?? C
Early Summer Rain Liberator, Bruno
Grade 1/Gold Paladin – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When a « Gold Paladin » is placed on (RC) from your deck, if you have a vanguard with ‘Liberator’ in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn.

BT12/0?? R
??? Liberator, ???
Grade 2/Gold Paladin – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from your dec, you can choose up to two units with «Liberator» in their card name. During that turn, they gain [Power]+2000.

Card of the Day! 24/06/2013

24 juin 2013 a 7 h 28 min

Silverthorn Hypnos, Lydia

銀の茨の催眠術師[シルバーソーン・ヒュプノス] リディア Silverthorn Hypnos, Lydia
Grade 1/Pale Moon – Human/6000 Power/0 Shield
[CONT]: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with « [CONT]: Sentinel » in a deck)
[AUTO]:[Choose a «Pale Moon» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your «Pale Moon» that is being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.

« Please sleep… … Deeper, deeper and even deeper… »

“ペイルムーン”の興業先で「ルキエ」より銀茨を賜った彼女の従僕。 元は無数の投げ輪を使った不思議な芸を見せる、流れのエンターテイナーだった。 しかしその正体は暗殺業を生業とする催眠術師であり、深い眠りについた相手を苦しまずに始末する「静謐な殺し屋」として名を馳せていた。 「ルキエ」は元々彼女のターゲットだったが、噂に聞いたそれとは比べ物にならないその美しさに心を奪われ、自ら永遠の忠誠を誓ったという。 彼女にとって「ルキエ」は絶対の存在。 それは「ルキエ」が“Я(リバース)”し、正気を失った今でも変わることはない。 突如変貌した主の姿を見て困惑する者達の内にあって、彼女だけは何一つ取り乱す事は無かった。 彼女は女王を傷つける全てを例外なく遮る。 尊信する麗しき女王の声音以外、美に狂った隷属者の耳には届かない。

A servant of « Luquier » who was given a Silverthorn in celeberation of a new enterprise at « Pale Moon ». Originally she used to do strange tricks with countless rings. an entertainer of the flow. However, her true identity was that of a hypnotist who made her living as an assassin. Originally « Luquier » was her target, but she ended up being captivated by her beauty that not even rumors could compare to, and swore eternal loyalty to her new mistress. Now, her entire existence is about Mistress Luquier. Even though Mistress Luquier has been Reversed and completely lost her mind, this won’t change. While she, and others, were baffled as the sight of their Mistress suddenly transforming, she found herself incapable of being distraught or saddened. No matter what, she wlll block any who dare try to hurt her Queen. No voice, other than voice of her beloved, beauty Queen, can still reach her. Nothing reaches this slave who is head over heels for her mistress’ beauty.

「ルキエ」より銀の茨とその力の一部を賜り、彼女に永遠の忠誠を誓った従僕達の総称。 経緯は様々で、望んで彼女に降った者もいれば、魅了(チャーム)や実力行使で無理やり従わされた者もいる。 従僕となった者は「ルキエ」と同じ系統の魔術の一端を行使できるようになるが、彼女の命令があった際はそれを最優先で実行しなければならないという制約を設けられる。

The Silverthorn Servants is
The general name for the servants who have sworn eternal loyalty to their mistress, Luquier, who has bestowed upon them Silver Thorns and a fraction of her own power. Their circumstances differ, as some of them came to her, desiring servitude, while others were forcefully converted to her side by the use of her « Charm ». Those that became her servants are able to use a fragment of the same magic as Mistress Luquier, provided there is one major restriction: They must follow her orders with top priority, and fulfill them as soon as possible.

Card of the Day! 21/06/2013

21 juin 2013 a 7 h 52 min

Star-vader, Infinite-Zero Dragon

星輝兵 インフィニットゼロ・ドラゴン Star-Vader, Infinite-Zero Dragon
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When a «Link Joker» rides this unit, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards in the front row and one of your opponent’s rear-guards in the back row, lock them, choose one of your vanguards, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner’s turn)
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

« From the beginning to the limits. Everything starts from Zero. »

侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」。 スターゲート侵略初戦の指揮をとった凶竜。 “リンクジョーカー”へと変貌する以前は、争いが絶えない小さな惑星で生まれた突然変異の生命体であり、たった1体でその星の生態系を修復不可能なまでに破壊してしまった恐るべき怪物。 存在を歪められた訳では無く、更なる力を得る為に自ら望んで虚無(ヴォイド)の力を受け入れている為、自我を保ち自身の意思で行動している。 効率的かつ狡猾な手段を好む「ネビュラロード・ドラゴン」をはじめとする前線指揮官達に比べ、彼が直接戦闘におけるデータ収集にこだわるのは、一時期とはいえ惑星最強の生物として君臨したプライドが意識の片隅に残っているからなのかもしれない。 生まれ出でると同時に、極限へと至った禍々しき虚無の竜。 この極限の上を行くデータを持つ者を、彼は待ちわびる。

« Star-Vaders » are the vanguard of the invaders known as « Link Joker ». This one is an evil dragon who commands the first wave of invasion upon Star Gate. Prior to be modified by Link Joker, it was a mutant life-form born on a small planet where battles never ended. It was a terrible monster that destroyed so much that it was solely responsible for the planet’s ecosystem being incapable of recovering. Its « self » wasn’t even twisted, it accepted the power of « Void » of its own choosing to get even stronger, and as a result, it still retains its sense of self and can act on its own. Compared to other front line commanders such as « Nebulalord Dragon », who prefer efficient and cunning schemes, he prefers to stick to collecting data, maybe due to a small sliver of its former self in the back of its mind that’s still proud of being the strongest creature from its home world. At the same time this dragon of Void appeared, it also reached its limit. It eagerly awaits the one that has Data that transcends this limit.

「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。

The Star-Vaders are…
The vanguards of « Link Joker », the invaders threatening the planet Cray who are the embodiment of « Void ». Protist-like micro-organisms collected and examined the data of the planet’s strongest, and were further programmed to take control of the bodies of worthwhile subjects, while those deemed useless or weak are to be erased. Among the various technologies and powers unknown to the planet of Cray, one of those is the strange, unknown power called « Lock ».

Card of the Day! 20/06/2013

20 juin 2013 a 8 h 11 min

Morale Revenger, Dorin

督戦の撃退者 ドリン Morale Revenger, Dorin
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When a card named « Blaster Dark Revenger » is placed on your (VC) or (RC) of the same column as this unit, if you have a vanguard with « Revenger » in its card name, choose a card from your damage zone, and turn it face up.

« Struggle to your heart’s content. I will support your resolve. »

侵略者の魔手より聖域を守護する事を誓った戦士「撃退者」。 蒼黒の槍を持つ騎士で、同じ“シャドウパラディン”に所属する「クローダス」の双子の兄。 戦いを好む弟に比べ、金銭にシビアな傭兵然とした男であり、戦に信念などを持って挑む事は無かったという。 しかし、肉親が窮地に陥り、初めて大きな焦燥と恐怖を味わった彼は、自分達が今まで投じていた「戦」に対する考え方を全面的に改める事になる。 何かを守る為には戦いが必要で、戦う為には力がいる。 聖域の暗部を担う影の騎士として新たな門出を迎えた彼は、「ブラスター・ダーク」に唯一度だけ説かれた戦う者の覚悟をしかと胸に抱いて今を生きる。 あの時一瞬でも感じた喪失感と絶望を、他の誰にも味あわせてはならない。 金も、名誉も、感謝の言葉すら欲さない。 迫りくる災厄に、光では無く闇を以て立ち向かう影の英雄を、彼は支え続ける。

A « Revenger », one of the warriors who have vowed to protect the sanctuary from the clutches of the invaders. A knight with a black-blue spear, he is the older twin brother of Claudas, who also belongs to the Shadow Paladins. Compared to his younger brother, who is a bit of a warmonger, he dealt in mercenary activities strictly for the money, and it was said he never fought a battle with any sense of conviction. But when his brother was trapped in a corner, he tasted fear and anxiety for the first time, which caused him to completely revisit the way he viewed « battle » and « war ». Fighting to protecting someone, that became his strength for fighting. He crossed the threshold, becoming a Shadow Paladin, the ones who handle the seedy underbelly of the Sanctuary. Now he lives with a feeling of « Determination » inside his heart, the very same « Determination » that Blaster Dark preaches about. The feeling of despair and the sense of loss that you could feel at any time, he doesn’t want anyone else to taste that feeling. Gold? Honor? Words of Gratitude? He cares naught for them. With a disaster imminent, he continues to support the heroes of the shadows, who aren’t a part of the light anymore, who are willing to fight against the darkness.

神聖国家ユナイテッドサンクチュアリの裏舞台で暗躍する影の騎士団“シャドウパラディン”の中でも、強い覚悟を持って侵略者から国を守る事を決意した者達によって構成された部隊。 名誉も武勲も表沙汰にならず、おのずと危険な任務も増えていく為、構成員は少ない。 しかし、その全てが比類なき意志と信念を掲げる精鋭である為、統率の取れた完成度の高い部隊となっている。

The Revengers
Among the ranks of the « Shadow Paladins », who work behind the scenes in the unseen side of the holy nation of « United Sanctuary », the Revengers are a unit composed of those with incredible determination to protect their country from invaders by any means necessary. Their numbers are few, since they deal with incredibly dangerous missions that are only likely to increase, and their honor nor distinguished services for their country will never be known to the people. However, because all of them are elites carrying unparalleled determination and conviction, they have become a nearly complete fighting force under the proper leadership.

Card of the Day! 19/06/2013

19 juin 2013 a 8 h 52 min

Twilight Baron

トワイライトバロン Twilight Baron
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Golem/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC): When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a «Link Joker» vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of the battle

« Delete the world, Twilight Fall! »

“リンクジョーカー”が誇る制圧戦用半有機戦闘兵器「サイバーゴーレム」。 型式番号は「CG-00110003」、識別コードは「TwilighT-BaroN」。 純粋に強い力を持つ戦士達のデータはサイバロイドでは無く、破壊を専任とするサイバーゴーレムにインプットされる事が多い。 彼は元々先兵である「星輝兵」に配備された戦士では無く、本隊から直接遣わされた正規の援軍である。 スターゲート侵略が円滑に進行したのは、彼のようなサイバーゴーレムの力によるところが大きい。 殲滅兵器「カラミティ・ブリンガー」の出力を限界まで引き上げて放出する砲撃、「トワイライト・フォール」に薙ぎ払われた都市は、数秒前の喧騒が嘘のように静まり返る。 そこには、何も残らない。 瓦礫も、草木も、獣も、人も。 日没と共に大地が静寂に包まれるように、黄昏の巨人が去った後にはただ沈黙だけが置き去りにされる。

A Cyber Golem, a semi-organic fighting machine designed to take complete control of warfare that is the pride of « Link Joker ». Its model number is the « CG-0011003 », and its identification code is « TwilighT-BaroN ». It does not contain the data of powerful soldiers like the Cyberoids, no, Cyber Golems have destruction and working round the clock input into them. It is not a warrior that was deployed with the front-line troops, « Star-Vader », it is a regular reinforcement unit sent directly from the main forces. The Invasion of « Star Gate » has proceeded smoothly, largely in part due to the power of Cyber Golems like it. By pushing its weapon « Calamity Bringer », which is designed to exterminate and annihilate, to the limits of what it can unleash, it brings about « Twilight Fall », cutting down an entire city in its wake, reducing the hustle and bustle from moments earlier to an eerie silent calm. Nothing is left. Rubble? Plants? Animals? People? All gone. All that’s left is a land covered in silence and twilight, and after the titan of twilight leaves, all that’s left is silence.

Card of the Day! 18/06/2013

18 juin 2013 a 8 h 13 min

Barcgal Liberator

ばーくがる・解放者 Barcgal Liberator
Grade 1/Gold Paladin – Hi-Beast/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosts a unit named « Blaster Blade Liberator », look at up to three cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card with « Liberator » from among them, call it (RC) as [Rest], and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

« Fighting together with the legendary sword. That is every knight’s dream. »

新たなる仲間と共に黄金騎士団の一員として復帰したハイドッグ部隊古参のエース。 三英雄が封印された後、国の行く末に不安を感じながらも本国の防衛にあたっていたが、その弱った心が隙を生み、任務の最中に愛剣を破壊されてしまう。 戦意を喪失し、半機械化した半身の機能を停止する寸前まで衰弱していたが、復活した「ブラスター・ブレード」の計らいにより、気力を取り戻す事になる。 その計らいとは、彼の砕け散った剣の修復――加えて、生まれ変わった剣には、勇気を力へと変える簡易型のブラスター・ブレードシステムが取り入れられていた。 かつての主より賜り、新たな主の手により生まれ変わった忠義の証。 今、彼の心は常に主達と共にあり、勇気に満ち溢れている。 黄金に輝く解放者の剣は、もう二度と、その輝きを失わない。

The senior ace of the High Dog corps who returned as a member of the Gold Paladins, alongside new friends. After the three heroes had been sealed, he continued to protect his country, but he was increasingly insecure about the country’s future, and as his heart weakened, by chance, one day, his favorite sword was shattered while in the call of duty. There and then, he lost the will to fight, and his heart weakened so much, the mechanical half of his body refused to continue functioning. Under the discretion of the revived « Blaster Blade », he regained his willpower. As well, his sword was repaired…. no, it was reborn, as it now was based the simplistic « Blaster Blade System », which converts courage into power. Given to him by his former master, its rebirth is the proof of loyalty by his new master. Now, with his master always inside his heart, he is brimming with courage. This sword of the Liberators, which shines like gold, will never lose its luster.

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。

The Liberators
The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, « The Gold Paladins », they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the « Liberators » because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the « Gold Paladins », but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

Card of the Day! 17/06/2013

17 juin 2013 a 8 h 03 min

Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon

星輝兵 メビウスブレス・ドラゴン Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon
Grade 2/Link Joker – Cyber Dragon/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC):When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards, and lock it.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner’s turn)

« A deviation from the rules. That is Lock. »

侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」。 ドラゴンと銘打たれているが、クレイに住む竜とは起源そのものが違う生命体であり、浸蝕が進んだ事でより異質な形体へと変貌しつつある。 鱗では無い骨のような外殻で全身を固めており、全身の至る所に“リンクジョーカー”特有の能力、「呪縛(ロック)」を使う為の力の源を溜め込んでいるという。 異物に遮られるまでいつまでも誘導を続け、一時的ではあるが相手の力や動作などの一切を封じる強力なブレスを吐く上、敵が複数の場合は指揮官を執拗に狙うようコントロールされている厄介な存在。 歪な眼に宿るのは、意思を持つ生命の光では無く、機械の如く無機質で不気味な輝き。 肉体を蝕まれ、精神を侵され、何もかもを失った彼らの行きつく先は次の戦場か、それとも死によってのみ訪れる永遠の安寧か。

« Star-Vaders » are the vanguard of the invaders known as « Link Joker ». It’s called a Dragon, but it’s actually a life form different in origin from the Dragons living on Cray, but due to advancing corruption, it has changed into its current, different form. Its entire outer body is encased in a shell that is more like bone, rather than scale, and its entire body is filled with a source of power that allows it to use the ability unique to « Link Joker », « Lock ». Lock temporarily interrupts foreign matter, preventing the enemy from using their power or moving, but while temporary, Link Joker keeps using it over and over to control troublesome beings, allowing them to smash at the enemy commander, if there is more than one foe. Inside its twisted eyes, there is no hint of the light of life possessing a sense of purpose, no, its eyes shine bright like those of a machine’s. The body is corrupted, the soul is erased, will the next battlefield be where it loses the rest of its « self », or will that be where it receives final peace?

「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。

The Star-Vaders are…
The vanguards of « Link Joker », the invaders threatening the planet Cray who are the embodiment of « Void ». Protist-like micro-organisms collected and examined the data of the planet’s strongest, and were further programmed to take control of the bodies of worthwhile subjects, while those deemed useless or weak are to be erased. Among the various technologies and powers unknown to the planet of Cray, one of those is the strange, unknown power called « Lock ».