Card of the Day! 03/12/2012

3 décembre 2012 a 19 h 18 min

双筆の闘士 ポラリス Gladiator of Dual Brushes, Polaris
Grade 3/Great Nature – Hi-Beast/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto (VC): Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):  [Counter Blast (2)] When this unit attacks a Vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, during this battle, select 1 of your other <> Rearguard, Stand it, during this turn, that unit gets Power +4000, at the end of this turn, retire the selected unit.
Auto (VC) : When this unit attacks a Vanguard, during this battle, Power +3000.

« With this second wind, now, I’ll show you power that goes beyond the limits of what ya saw before! »

外部から訪れる様々な脅威から大学を守る警備員。 警備員という職務は風紀委員が設立される以前から存在しており、これまでも学園に潜り込もうとしていた数多の不埒者を返り討ちにしてきた。 長年警備という仕事に携わってきた為か、嗅覚・聴覚はハイドッグ以上に優れている。 瞬発力、腕力、格闘センス、どれを取っても警備員というには過ぎた力を持ち、並の戦士では束になってかかってもまるで歯が立たないだろう。 学びの園に鎮座する「警備員」と「風紀委員」。 彼らがこの大学を守り続ける限り、どんな悪人も怪物もその門をくぐる事は適わないだろう。

He’s a security guard who protects the University from various outside threats. The duties of the security guards existed by the Disciplinary Committee was established, and in the past, he used to toss out a large number of troublemakers and delinquents. He’s been doing security work for years and years, and his senses of smell and hearing are better than those of any High Dog’s. His agility, physical strength, and wrestling technique far exceed the power required for a mere security guard, and based on the state of his strength, not even a bunch of ordinary soldiers could fight toe-to-toe with him. Both the « Security Guards » and « Disciplinary Committee » are idolized in this garden of learning. As long as he continues to guard the University, no criminal, troublemaker or monster will be allowed to pass through the school gates.

Ligue Vanguard – Nocturne Epita – 24/11/12

3 décembre 2012 a 15 h 20 min
Bienvenue à Epita, pour le deuxième tournoi de la Ligue Vanguard, et premier de la sorte pour une nouvelle nocturne déjantée ! Le principe est simple : jouer toute la nuit ! Suite au dernier WGP de Cardfight!! Vanguard à Paris, Bushiroad a donné la possibilité de lancer la Ligue officielle en France. Sur le principe de tournois gratuits et homologués, les joueurs français peuvent ainsi se lancer dans une compétition permettant de se classer. Des lots sont proposés à chaque tournoi et à ceux terminant en tête de classement.
Deux formats sont proposés, différents pour chaque tournoi, mais toujours en anglais : jouer en solo ou en team (soit en fight team, soit en tag team). Cette nuit là, c’est le format solo qui était de mise, mais la bonne humeur, la joie de se retrouver et de passer du bon temps ensemble étaient bien présentes, laissant présager une nuit riche en émotions !

A côté des joueurs de Weiss Shwarz, 20 joueurs de Vanguard s’affrontaient dans ce tournoi, accueillant de nouveaux intéressés au passage. 
A 18h, le top départ est lancé, et c’est le début de cinq heures de jeu qui aboutira à la domination d’une personne parmi les autres. Quatre rondes de prévues plus un top 8, en deux manches gagnantes, et 45 minutes pour ce faire : tout un programme !
Répartition des clans : 

3 Gold Paladin
3 Narukami
3 Kagero
3 Dark Irregulars
2 Royal Paladin
2 Bermuda Triangle
2 Granblue
1 Oracle Think Tank
1 Pale Moon
Top 8:
Gold Paladin (Duke) VS Kagero
Gold Paladin (Kyrph) VS Kagero
Narukami VS Gold Paladin (Spring Breeze)
Tsukuyomi VS Royal Paladin
Top 4 :
Gold Paladin (Duke) VS Tsukuyomi
Kagero VS Narukami

Au terme de 6 rondes emportées, ce sont finalement Cécilia jouant Tsukuyomi et Bryan misant sur ses Narukami qui se sont fait face pour une finale inattendue mais amplement méritée !
Bien qu’ayant défait son adversaire en première manche, Cécilia a vu ses nobles créatures se faire surclasser par les puissants dragons de Bryan, qui n’a pas hésité une seconde à faire déferler sa vague foudroyante afin de se hisser au sommet ce soir.
Decklist Narukami – 1er
Grade 0 :

1 Spark Kid Dragoon

4x Old Dragon Mage
4x Demonic Dragon Nymph Seiobo
4x Malevolent Djinn
4x Yellow Gem Carbuncle.

Grade 1 : 14

4x Red River Dragoon.
2x Desert Gunner Raien
2x Dragon Dancer Rai Rai.
3x Photon Bomber Wyvern
3x Wyvern Guard Guld

Grade 2 : 12

4x Demonic Dragon Berserker Garuda
3x Shieldblade Dragoon
3x Thunderstorm Dragoon
2x Dragonic Deathscythe

Grade 3 : 7
4x Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion
2x Thunder Break Dragon
1x Breakthrough Dragon
Decklist Oracle Think Tank(Tsukuyomi) – 2ème
Grade 0 : 17
Vanguard : Godhawk, Ichibyoshi

Lozenge Magus x4 heal
Psychic Bird x4 critical
Oracle Guardian, Nike x4 critical
Victory Maker x2 draw
Miracle Kid x1 draw
Dream Eater x1 draw

Grade 1 : 14

Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi x4
Oracle Guardian, Gemini x3
Battle Sister, Vanilla x4
Battle Sister, Chocolat x3

Grade 2 : 12

Godess of the Half Moon, Tsukuyomi x4
Silent Tom x4
Battle Sister, Mocha x2
Oracle Guardian, Red Eye x2

Grade 3 : 7

Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi x3
CEO Amaterasu x4

[Preview] BT09 Nova Grappler, Le stand à son Maximum !

2 décembre 2012 a 15 h 04 min

Hier nous découvrions ensemble les nouveaux Murakumo présents dans cette BT09 qui sortira le 8 décembre 2012 au Japon et dans le monde. Cette extension exclusivement japonaise pour l’instant fait la part belle à de nombreux clans et nous allons voir aujourd’hui la mécanique des nouveaux nova présent dans cette extension.

Voir la suite de [Preview] BT09 Nova Grappler, Le stand à son Maximum !

[Preview] La BT09, Le retour fracassant des Murakumo.

2 décembre 2012 a 0 h 49 min

   Comme vous le savez peut-être, ou pas d’ailleurs, la version Anglaise de Cardfight Vanguard ! souffre d’un décalage avec la version Japonnaise du jeu. Or au Japon la BT09 Clash of kinghts and dragons sort plus-tard ce mois-ci et nous vous proposons chaque jour de découvrir la stratégie d’un clan issue de cette extension.

Voir la suite de [Preview] La BT09, Le retour fracassant des Murakumo.

Card of the Day! 30/11/2012

30 novembre 2012 a 10 h 18 min

ドラゴニック・カイザー・ヴァーミリオン“THE BLOOD” Dragonic Kaiser Vermilion « THE BLOOD »
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[ACT](VC): Limit Break 5 (This ability is active if you have five or more damage):[Counter Blast (3)] Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1, gets « [CONT](VC):This unit battles every unit in your opponent’s front row in one attack.
[CONT](VC): If you have a card named « Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Leader (If you have a unit with a different clan from this unit, this unit cannot attack)

« This is the final thunder. Let’s go, Vermillion Catastrophe! »

「龍帝の血」を体内に取り込み、眠れる力を強制的に解放したドラゴニック・カイザー・ヴァーミリオン。 絶大な力を誇り、迸る闘気だけで弱者を死滅させたと言われる初代皇帝の血液――それは一時的に驚異的な力を発現させる代償に、自らの命をも燃やし尽くす禁断の秘宝である。 誰もが秘宝と呼びながらも恐れたその呪物を、彼は躊躇いも無く飲み干した。 「死」など恐れるに値する物ではない。 恐れるべきは自身の、帝国の敗北のみ。 光の獅子、古の水龍を討ち、まだ見ぬ侵略者を滅ぼす為の道を拓くべく、龍皇は己の命を燃やす。
「続け、同胞よ! その剣を、牙を、我らに仇名す全てに突き立てるのだ! !」

By ingesting the « Blood of the Dragon Emperor », Dragonic Kaiser Vermilion forcibly awakened the power sleeping inside him. Boasting tremendous power, the blood of the first emperor of the Dragon Empire is said to kill the weak who try to ingest it, but the strong become even stronger … … … But the cost for gaining such incredible, if temporary, power is that this forbidden treasure quickly burns out the life-force of whoever consumes it. Not hesitating one bit, he drank up the fetish that everyone feared but called a treasure. Reasoning he wasn’t worthy of it if he was afraid of pitiful little things like « Death ». The only thing he fears is the defeat of the empire. He seeks to defeat the Ancient Water Dragon and the Lion of Light, as a way to clear a path to destroy the unseen invaders, all while the Dragon Emperor eats up his life-force.
« Onward, comrades! With this sword, this « Fang », as I call it, we shall pierce all that stand before us!! »

Cards of the Days! 28/11/2012 & 29/11/2012

29 novembre 2012 a 8 h 31 min

Sorry for the waiting guys, I was very busy with my homework lately ^^

バトルシスター てぃらみす Battle Sister, Tiramisu
Grade 0/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/5000 Power/5000 Shield
Draw Trigger

« The sacred bullet shatters all sin. »

戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 巨大な超光子ライフルを扱う凄腕のスナイパー。 「狙った獲物は外さない」と豪語しているだけあって、狙撃の腕だけはメンバー中トップクラス。 軽い言動が目立つお調子者だが、言い換えればフレンドリーで仲間想いという事でもあり、仕事では常にチームが円滑に動けるように考えて行動している。 彼女が放つのは罪を打ち抜く聖なる弾丸。 警告の一撃を受けて悔い改める者は救われるが、警告を無視した者に訪れるのは……。

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary-born agents. She’s a crackshot sniper who uses a gigantic super photon rifle. Constantly boasting « My target never gets away », among the top classed members, she’s the only one proficient in sniping. But, she’s a showy girl who gets carried away and loves flattery and praise, so in otherwords, her friends say she’s really friendly, but this also lets her keep control and do her job in ways that best benefit the team. She fires holy bullets at those who have commited sins and crimes. She gives the sinner a single warning shot, so they can reform themselves and save their souls, but they ignore her warning, she’s sure to give them a visit.

オラクルシンクタンクが罪人や悪徳企業の捕縛・抹消を目的として秘密裏に設立した戦闘教団「サンクチュアリ・ガーディアン」のエージェント部隊。 表向きは「教会」の所属となっているので普段は修道女の恰好をしている。 隊員全てが卓越した戦闘術・魔術の使い手だが、表沙汰に出来ない事情で配属されている場合が多い為か、癖の強い人物が非常に多い。

The Battle Sisters are…
An Agency that belongs to the fighting religious order « Sanctuary Guardians », they handle elimination and arrests as the Crime and Vice Division of Oracle Think Tank . They insist on dressing like nuns since they are members of the Church. All their members are experts in magic and combat techniques, though it’s not sure because they are involved in many situations that are kept out of the public eye, or because they consist of many strong woman with quirky and rather bizarre personalities.


天狼武神 ダイケンゴウ Martial Arts Sirius, Daikengou
Grade 3/Gold Paladin – Battleroid/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC):[Choose a «Gold Paladin» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+6000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC):[Choose a «Gold Paladin» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

“Growl and roar! Sirius Sword, Dragon Fang Slash!!”

銀狼の鎧が眠っていた地で発見された超古代の機動兵器。 意志を持つ金属生命体であり、単体での自立稼働も可能だが、真の力を発揮するには選ばれし搭乗者が必要になる。 数千年以上前、聖域が竜の帝国に脅かされていた時、突如戦場に降り立ち、劣勢の騎士団に加勢したという。 以降はこの地で初めて言葉を交わした初代銀狼の戦士に付き従って戦い、主の没後は鎧と共にこの地で眠りについていた。 新たな主、大いなる銀狼の前に訪れた危機。 かつて聖域の平和を守る為に振るわれた武神の剣が、時を超えて再び牙を剥く。

A super ancient mobile weapon which was discovered in the ruins where the Silver Wolf Armor was resting. It’s a living mechanical entity with a will of its own, and capable of operating on its own, but its real power requires someone riding inside of it. Thousands of years ago, when United Sanctuary was threatened by Dragon Empire, it suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and aided the out-numbered Royal Paladins. After that, he followed and fought side by side with the first Silver Wolf warrior, as they journeyed the world, but when his master died, he fell asleep deep inside the earth, along with the armor. But now, his new master, the Great Silver Wolf, Garmore, was caught in a crisis. The god of war who once swung his sword to keep the peace of United Sanctuary, once again bares his fangs.

The Secret Murakumo from BT09

27 novembre 2012 a 9 h 39 min

Hi everyone ! Earlier, in the past week, we were talking about the new BT09 cards, and the famous Secret Murakumo that was going to get released in the same set, but with an unknown effect. Here it is !

Bonjour à tous ! Plus tôt, dans la semaine passée, nous parlions des nouvelles cartes BT09, dont la fameuse Unit Murakumo classée Secret qui allait sortir dans la même extension mais dont l’effet était inconnu. Le voici !

BT09/009 RR
むげんのかざはな シラユキ Phantasmagoric Snowy Wind, Shirayuki
Grade 3/Murakumo – Ghost/11000 Power/No Shield
Auto: [VC] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counterblast 1, Choose a card named « Phantasmagoric Snowy Wind, Shirayuki » from your hand and discard it] At the beginning of the guard step in which this unit gets attacked, you may pay the cost. If you do, select up to one attacking unit, and that unit gains -20000 Power during this battle.
Cont: [VC/RC] Leader (If there is a unit on the field that does not share the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

Card of the Day! 27/11/2012

27 novembre 2012 a 8 h 39 min

バトルシスター ちゃい Battle Sister, Chai
Grade 0/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/5000 Power/10000 Shield
Heal Trigger
(You may only have up to four cards with « HEAL » in a deck.)

« What do y’all mean?! »

戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 普段は真面目を絵に描いたような少女だが、誰かがおかしな行動をすると全力で突っ込んでしまう癖がある。 曰くこの「ツッコミ」と紙を束ねた威嚇武器「ハリセン」は、彼女の生まれ育った地域の伝統芸らしい。 また、彼女の修道服には他のメンバーの希望でコミカルな意匠が入っているが、本人は気にいっていないという話。 本来の得物は鉄棍だが、あまりにも「ハリセン」を手にしている機会が多い為、任務中に間違えて手にしそうになる事もしばしば。

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary-born agents. Usually, this girl is the very picture of absolute seriousness, but when driven to doing something with all her heart and soul, she tends to do the most ridiculous things to get it done. Based on this « Straight Man » (Tsukkomi) personality and her choice of a paper fan, typically used as a slapstick prop, as her deadly weapon, it would appear she grew up on the traditional comedy routines of her birthplace. As well, other members of group hoped she would add comical designs to her habit, but she doesn’t really want to. Technically, her personal weapon is an iron cane, but because there’s a lot of reasons for her to have her paper fan on hand, she often ends up carrying the fan with her, by mistake, to her missions.

Note: Chai is basically acts like a Kansai/Osaka bumpkin Tsukkomi cliche in personality. To translate that to Cray, she’d be a pretty straight, no nonsense girl from the rural parts of United Sanctuary. Kansai-ben (how Chai is talking) is best expressed as having a ‘Joysey’ or Southern accent in English.

Card of the Day! 26/11/2012

26 novembre 2012 a 14 h 11 min

クリムゾンライトニング・ドラゴン Crimson Lightning Dragon
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC):[Choose a «Narukami» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+6000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC):[Choose a «Narukami» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

« The fighting figure of this guy creates afterimages that are mistaken for lightning. »

紅の鱗甲を身に纏う“なるかみ”の戦士。 過去に瀕死の重傷を負った際、体細胞が突然変異を起こし、鱗が傷を作る度にそれを覆うようになったのだという。 鋼鉄を凌ぐ程の堅牢な鱗甲と剛腕を持つが、特筆すべきはその飛行速度であり、短距離であれば元いた箇所に数秒間残像を残せる程の驚異的なスピードを誇る。 その異形の姿はまさに悪鬼。 悪鬼の跡に残る軌跡は美しい紅の雷。 紅の残像に葬られる敵は、今際の際に美しくも恐ろしい雷の悪魔を見るのだと言う。

A solider of « Narukami » clad in crimson scaled armor. In the past, when he was seriously wounded, on the brink of death, his somatic cells suddenly mutated, and it is said that whenever he’s wounded, scales cover it up. He possesses powerful arms and fists, and is clad in scale armor that’s as hard as steel, but that’s not even mentioning his flight-speed, he’s so fast he can move short distances, leaving afterimages that linger for several seconds. His strange appearance looks exactly like that of a Devil. Beautiful crimson lightning follows in his path, the mark of this devil passing through. Enemies obliterated by his crimson afterimage, say they see a beautiful, yet terrible lightning demon in their last moments…

[KeroKero Ace] November 2012

24 novembre 2012 a 9 h 22 min

Hey people ! Yesterday you had some cards leaked from the monthly magazine, here is the remaining part… You better be ready ! The BT09 page has been updated !

Salut tout le monde ! Hier vous aviez eu droit à un aperçu du fameux magazine mensuel, voici la partie restante… Préparez-vous ! La page BT09 a été mise à jour !
ブラスター・ブレード・スピリットBlaster Blade Spirit
Grade 2/Royal Paladin – Human/10000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto: [Counter Blast 1] When this Unit appears in the Rearguard Circle from the Deck, you can pay if the cost. If you do, you can select 1 Grade 2 or higher Opponent Unit in the Front Row, retire it.
Auto (R): At the end of a Battle in which this Unit was attacked, retire this Unit.
Continuous: This Unit is treated as a « Gold Paladin ».
ブラスター・ダーク・スピリット Blaster Dark Spirit
Grade 2/Shadow Paladin – Human/10000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto: [Counter Blast 1] When this Unit appears in the Rearguard Circle from the Deck, you can pay if the cost. If you do, you can select 1 Grade 2 or lower Opponent Unit in the Front Row, retire it.
Auto (R): At the end of a Battle in which this Unit was attacked, retire this Unit.
Continuous: This Unit is treated as a « Gold Paladin ».

Autres cartes BT09 (Other cards from BT09) :
Smiling Presenter
Grade 0/Human – Pale Moon/5000 Power/10000 Shield
AUTO: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
Auto (R): [Counter Blast 1, Place this Unit in the Soul] Look at up to the top 10 cards of your Deck to select a <>, place it in the Soul, then shuffle the Deck.
Magical Partner
Grade 1/Elf – Pale Moon/6000 Power/5000 Shield
(R): [Soul Blast 1] When this Unit Boosts « Nightmare Summoner Rakiru », you can pay the cost. If you do, the boosted Unit gains 5000 Power.
Fire Juggler
Grade 1/Pale Moon – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto (R): When this Unit Boosts a Vanguard that Drive Checks a Grade 3 « Pale Moon »: During this turn, this Unit gains the following effect: « Auto (R): [Place this Unit in the Soul] At the end of the Battle in which this Unit boosts, you can pay the cost. If you do, select 1 <> in your Soul, except « Fire Juggler », and call it to a Rearguard Circle.
Nightmare Summoner, Laquer
Grade 3/Elf – Pale Moon/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto (V) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): When this Unit attacks the Vanguard, this Unit gains 5000 Power during this Battle.
Auto: [Counter Blast 2] When this Unit appears in the Vanguard Circle, you can pay the cost. If you do, select 1 <> in your Soul, call it to a Rearguard Circle.
Stormrider, Lysander
Grade 3/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto (R): [Counter Blast 1]: At the end of a Battle in which this Unit attacked the Vanguard, if you have an <> Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, you can select one of your <> Rearguard in the same Column, and the two card’s places switch. (The card’s positions (Stand/Rest) do not change).
Tri-Stinger Dragon
Grade 3/Aqua Force – Aqua Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto [V] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): When this unit attacks the Vanguard, and it’s the 3rd attack or more, unflip 2 damages on your Damage Zone.
Activate [V]: [Counterblast (2)] Choose one of your <> Rearguards, it gains +3000 for the turn.
Officer Cadet, Astrea
Grade 0/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/4000 Power/10000 Shield
AUTO: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
AUTO[R]: [Counter Blast (1) & Place this unit into your soul] During the battle when this unit boosted a , if the attack hits a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your rear-guards and [Stand] it.
BT09/017 RR
スターダスト・メロディテイマー ファラ Stardust Melody Tamer, Farah
Grade 3/Pale Moon – ?/11000 Power/No Shield
Activate (V) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):  [Counter Blast 1,  「Melodist of the Starry Sky, Farrah」 in your hand, discard it] Soul Charge 2 Cards, then select 1 <> in your Soul, call to Rearguard Circle, and during this turn, this Unit gains 3000 Power.
Continuous (V/R): Leader
Priestess of the Sun, Uzeme
Grade 0/Oracle Think Tank – Noble/5000 Power/10000 Shield
ACT 【R】: [Counter Blast (1) & Choose two of your «Oracle Think Tank» rear-guards, and retire them.] Search your deck for up to one card named « Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu », reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Gentle Jim
Grade 3/Oracle Think Tank – Ghost/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto (V/R): [Soul Blast 1 ; Select 1 Card in your hand, discard it] When this Unit attacks the Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, Select another of your <>, it gains 3000 Power during this turn.
Ladybug Cavalry
Grade 1/Gold Paladin/6000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto: [Counter Blast 1] When this Unit appears in the Guardian Circle, if you have a <> Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, this Unit gains 5000 Shield.
Convicting Dragon, Chrome Jailer Dragon
Grade 3/Abyss Dragon – Gold Paladin/10000 Power/No Shield
Activate (V) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): [Counter Blast 2, Select 2 of your <> Rearguards, retire them] During this turn, this Unit gains 10000 Power and 1 Critical.
Activate (V): [Counter Blast 1 ; 「Convicting Dragon, Chrome Jailer Dragon」 in your hand, discard it] Look at up to the top 4 cards of your Deck, select up to 2 <
>, call them to seperate Rearguard Circles, then place the remaining cards at the bottom of your Deck in any order.
Dustplasma Dragon
Grade 2/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/9000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto (R): When this Unit Attacks, if you have a « Vermillion » named Vanguard, this Unit gains 3000 Power during this Battle.

Child of the Sealed God, Soukou
Grade 0/Narukami – Human/6000 Power/10000 Shield
Auto: Pioneer
Continuous (V/R): Restraint (This Unit cannot attack)
Continuous (V/R): This Unit cannot Boost a Rearguard.

Vanquishing Monk Rourou
Grade 1/Narukami/7000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto: When this Unit appears in the Vanguard or Rearguard Circle, select 1 <> Vanguard or Rearguard, select 1 of its Continuous Abilities, during this turn, that Unit loses that Ability.

Narukami Stand Trigger

Sparkedge Dragokid
Non-Effect Narukami Critical Trigger
BT09/015 RR
風魔天神 ヴァーユ Evil Heavenly God of Wind, Vayu
Grade 3/Narukami – Noble/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto 【V】:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit attacks、you may pay the cost. If you do, during this battle、for each 「Evil Heavenly God of Wind, Vayu」 on your Rearguard Circle、this unit gets Power +10000.

BT09/013 RR
Twin Brush Fighter, Polaris
Grade 3/Great Nature – Hi-Beast/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto 【V】Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):  [Counter Blast (2)] When this unit attacks a Vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, during this battle, select 1 of your other <> Rearguard, Stand it, during this turn, that unit gets +Power +4000, at the end of this turn, retire the selected unit.
Auto 【V】 : When this unit attacks a Vanguard, during this battle, Power +3000.

BT09/014 RR
Halo Shield, Mark reprinted as a RR with Sentinel Restriction.

[CONT]: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with « Sentinel » in your deck)
[AUTO]:[Choose a «Gold Paladin» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your «Gold Paladin» that is being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Something Demon Dragon, Indigo
Grade 1/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/6000 Power/5000 Shield
Cont (R): This Unit cannot Boost a Grade 2 or lower Unit.
Activate (R): When this Unit Boosts, during this Battle, the Boosted Unit gains 3000 Power.
War Goddess, Susanoo
Grade 2/Oracle Think Tank – Noble/9000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto (R): When this Unit Attacks, if you have a « Amaterasu » named Vanguard, this Unit gains 3000 Power during that Battle.

Battle Miko, Sayorihime
Grade 1/Oracle Think Tank – Noble/7000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto (R): When this Unit Attacks, if you have a « Amaterasu » named Vanguard, this Unit gains 3000 Power during that Battle.

白面金毛の妖狐タマヨ Silver Fiend Wolf, Tamayo
Grade 3/Murakumo – Hi-Beast/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto (V) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): When this Unit attacks a Vanguard, it gains 5000 Power during this Battle.
Activate (V): [Counter Blast 1] Select a 1 Grade 2 or higher <> Rearguard, look through your Deck for a Unit with the same name, call it to a Rearguard, Shuffle your Deck, and when this Turn ends, place the Called Unit to the bottom of your Deck.
The Stronghold of Black Chains, Hoel
Grade 0/Gold Paladin/4000 Power/10000 Shield
AUTO: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
Activate (R): [Place this Unit in your Soul] Select 1 of your <> Units(?), it gains 3000 Power during this turn.

Stealth Fae, Oborocart
Grade 1/Murakumo – ???/6000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto: [Counter Blast ?] When this Unit appears in the Vanguard/Rearguard Circle, if you have  a <> Vanguard, you can pay the cost. Select 1 of your <> Rearguards, except « Stealth Fae, Oborocart », look though your Deck for up to 1 Unit with the same name as the target, call it to the Rearguard Circle, then shuffle your Deck, and at the end of your turn, place the Called Unit to the bottom of your Deck.
Stormrider, Damon
Grade 2/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/9000 Power/5000 Power
Auto (R): [Counter Blast 1]: At the end of a Battle in which this Unit attacked the Vanguard, if you have an <> Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, you can select one of your <> Rearguard in the same Column, and the two card’s places switch. (The card’s positions (Stand/Rest) do not change).
Flash Signal Light Penguin Soldier
Grade 1/Aqua Force – ???/5000 Power/5000 Shield
Auto: [Soul Blast 2] When this Unit appears in the Rearguard Circle, if you have a <> Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, draw 1 card

Promo :
クリーピングダーク・ゴート Creeping Dark Goat
Grade 0/Shadow Paladin – High Beast/4000 Power/10000 Shield
AUTO: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
ACT[R]: [Counter Blast(1) & Place this unit into your soul] Look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one grade 3 from among them, reveal it to your opponent, add it to your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Voltage Crow Dragon
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto: [Counter Blast 2] When this Unit appears in the Vanguard or Rearguard Circle, if you have a <> Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, select of your opponent’s front row Rearguards and retire it.