Card of the Day! 19/12/2012

19 décembre 2012 a 8 h 38 min

機動病棟 エリュシオン Mobile Medical Ward, Elysian
Grade 3/Angel Feather – Golem/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC):[Choose an «Angel Feather» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+6000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC):[Choose an «Angel Feather» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

« No matter the cost, I will not allow there to be anymore victims! »

最新式のAIを搭載した、初の自立稼働型機動病棟。 機動・防衛力を重視した設計の為、人員を収容できるスペースは重力制御が施された胸部救急室のみとなっている。 その分従来の機動病棟よりも優れた機動性を誇り、患者収容後は銃弾の雨を物ともせず、装甲に傷一つ付けぬまま安全地帯へ退避する事もできる。 また、胸部救急室には緊急用のブースターが設置されており、万が一撃墜されても患者だけは脱出させる事が可能となっている。 彼らは「献身」という言葉の権化。 常に自らの犠牲を以て、更なる犠牲を防ぐのである。

The first independently operated model of Mobile Medical Ward, equipped with the latest and most state-of-the-art AI. As its design attached great importance to mobility and defensive capabilities, the only space available for accommodating the staff are the Emergency Aid rooms, equipped with gravity control, located in its chest. It’s far more mobile than traditional mobile medical wards, so after patients have been admitted in spite of the rain of bullets, it can quickly take them to a safe zone with nary a scratch on its armor. In addition, emergency boosters are installed in the Emergency Aid rooms, so even if it’s shot down, patients can make an emergency escape. They are the incarnation of the word « Commitment ». Even if they have to sacrifice themselves, they well prevent further victims.