Cards of the Day! 21/11/2012

21 novembre 2012 a 8 h 13 min

バーストライザー Burstraizer
Grade 1/Nova Grappler – Battleroid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[ACT](VC/RC):[Counter Blast(1)] This unit gets [Power]+1000 until end of turn.

« This Raizer is able to turn his fighting power into real fighting strength. »

ライザーシリーズの開発中期に造られた準汎用バトロイド。 初期タイプの直系である「ライザーカスタム」を除くと、「バトルライザー」の形状・機構を最も色濃く踏襲して製造されている。 操縦者の精神状態を読み取り、それを力へと変換する「TC(Tension Conversion)システム」の搭載を初めて行ったタイプとして、機体性能以上にこの斬新なシステムが評価されていた。 その後、TCシステムは様々な改良を加えられ、後期に開発されたほぼ全てのライザーに搭載される事になる。

A Semi-Generic Battleroid built in the middle of the Raizer series’ development. Excluding the direct descedant of the prototypes, « Raizer Custom », it is one of the most heavily manufactured Raizers based on the shape and parts of « Battle Raizer ». With its ability to read the mindstate of its driver, it works in conjunction with the « TC (Tension Conversion) System » installed inside it, transforming that state of mind into actual physical power, and so novel was it, that it was more examined and reviewed than the machine’s peformance specs. After most of the bugs and quirks in the TC System were fixed and improved upon, it was made standard in almost all later Raizer models.


What is the Raizer Series?
The main concept of the « Raizer » Battleroids and their successors is versatility, so it can by driven by any pilot. The first time they were introduced for live combat was with the BR1-0021, commonly known as « Battle Raizer », which has had many successive models. But this flexibility which was an initial concept was removed in the second half of development, as more highly efficient builds were manufactured, resulting in many custom-made vehicles constantly participating in the Nova Grappler league.

トランスライザー Transraizer
Grade 2/Nova Grappler – Battleroid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), reveal the top card of your deck. If the revealed card is a grade 1 or 2 «Nova Grappler», call that card to (RC), and if it is not, shuffle your deck.

« This Raizer continues to send hope to his friends fighting on the frontline. »

チーム戦がノヴァグラップルの主流となった時期に量産された汎用バトロイド。 他の機体を補佐する事を目的とした支援専用機であり、必要最低限の武装しか持たない為、単体での戦闘は不向き。 しかし、装備の重量をこそぎ落とした分、機動力と運用時間が向上しており、武器・エネルギータンク・スペアパーツ、果ては小型機体の運搬までも低燃費かつ素早く行える機体となっている。 また、操縦者を選ばないと言われる程に操作系が簡略化されており、中期のライザーシリーズの中で最も汎用性が高い機体と評されている。

An all-purpose Battleroid that was mass-produced at the same time Team Fights became a mainstream activity in Nova Grappler matches. Because its body was exclusive designed for the purpose of helping others in the match, and it’s armed with as little weapons as required, it simply is completely unsuited for battle. Due to so much equipment weight being dropped (Weapons, Energy Tanks, Spare Parts) its operating time and mobility increased, resulting in quick movement and low fuel consumption, and even the ability to carry small machines. Also, because it doesn’t need a driver, and it has a simpler operating system, it has been called the most versatile vehicle built in the middle of the Raizers’ development.